Building A E-Commerce Website

Ultimate Guide to Building a E-Commerce Website in 2024

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Before anyone can start something and succeed at it, they first need to know and understand what it is that they are trying to do, and also what are the tools that they need to use to achieve their goal. In this article, we are going to discuss how we can get started with an online e-commerce business utilizing WooCommerce.

One of the most flexible platforms for online sales available today is WordPress. Its open-source nature ensures that it is a reliable platform, which is not going to vanish suddenly.

Continue to read if you want to learn how to create a complete WordPress e-commerce website and establish a successful online business.

What are e-commerce platforms?

In simple terms, ​​an e-commerce platform is simply any software that enables the commercial process of buying and selling over the internet.

There are generally two types of e-commerce platforms:

  • Software as a Service (SaaS) e-commerce Platforms.
  • Open-source e-commerce Platforms (such as WooCommerce in WordPress).

A proprietary SaaS is a software licensing and delivery model in which a software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted. The proprietary SaaS platforms usually handle all of the technology, hosting, and to a varying level, even the SEO of the e-commerce stores. SaaS is also known as on-demand software, web-based software, or web-hosted software.

The benefits of a proprietary e-commerce platform include not having to think about the technology, which allows the merchant to focus on his marketing and sales instead.

The cons of a closed platform include lesser control over the SEO and the website itself. A merchant may be unable to add unavailable features on the closed platform.

The SEO capabilities of closed platforms vary from one to the other, with some of them offering competent search performance options whilst others offering very little.

What is WooCommerce?

WooCommerce is an open-source plugin that adds e-commerce functionality/capability to your WordPress site. It was developed by Automattic, the commercial side of WordPress.

There are different ways users can experience WooCommerce, starting with the completely free WordPress extension.

The free WooCommerce plugin enables everything a small business needs to create a successful e-commerce store.

Users can also install free and paid extensions developed by WooCommerce and the Woo community for logistical, technical, and marketing. We also have our own free WooCommerce plugin for your growing business with some paid features that are completely free as well as a paid version with many more advanced features that work seamlessly to improve your business and your quality of life.

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Why choose WooCommerce?

So, you’ve decided to jump into the exciting world of e-commerce. Fantastic! But with a ton of platforms out there, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. Look no further than WooCommerce, my friend. Here’s why it’s the perfect sidekick for your online store dreams:

1. Unleash Your Inner Design Guru: Imagine having complete control over how your store looks. With WooCommerce, that’s exactly what you get. Thousands of stunning themes, both free and paid, let you create a shop that reflects your unique brand. Plus, you can tweak and customize everything to your heart’s content.

2. Functionality That Packs a Punch: WooCommerce isn’t just a pretty face. It’s loaded with features that make running your store a breeze. Adding products, managing inventory, accepting payments – it’s all a smooth and intuitive process. Plus, there are tons of plugins available to take your store to the next level, from marketing automation to advanced shipping options.

3. SEO; Your Secret Weapon: Want your store to be seen by all the online shoppers out there? WooCommerce is built with search engines in mind. This means your products are more likely to show up on top of search results, bringing in those precious customers.

Build a WordPress e-commerce store

It’s All About Planning

Want a lightning-fast online store built with WordPress? It’s totally doable, but you gotta plan ahead!  The good news is, business owners love the flexibility of WordPress to create e-commerce stores that don’t lag.

Here’s what one expert, Adam J. Humphreys, says:

“If you’re serious about SEO and using great content to drive traffic, WooCommerce is your best bet. Shopify just isn’t built for that.”

Adam J. Humphreys

Basically, WooCommerce lets you craft killer content to attract customers, while some other platforms are more limited. Plus, with WooCommerce on WordPress, you can avoid crazy high fees and get started with affordable hosting. Just add a solid content delivery network (think of it as a superhighway for your website) and you’re golden!

Choosing the right home

Speed matters!

So, you’ve decided to build your online store with WordPress and WooCommerce—awesome! But before you dive in, there’s one crucial piece to consider: your web hosting. Just like a real store needs a good location, your online store needs a reliable and speedy home.

Here’s a breakdown of the different hosting options and how they impact your store’s speed:

Shared Hosting: Cheap But Slow

Think of shared hosting as a giant apartment building. Lots of websites share the same resources, so things can get crowded and slow down during peak hours. It’s super affordable, but for an e-commerce store, it’s best to avoid this option.

VPS Hosting: More Space, More Speed (But a Little Trickier)

Imagine a smaller apartment building with fewer neighbors. That’s a VPS! You get more resources and better performance, but it might require some technical know-how to manage.

Dedicated Servers: The Ultimate Speed Machine (But With Responsibility)

A dedicated server is like having your own private mansion – all the power and speed you need! You can choose between managed and unmanaged options. Managed means the hosting company takes care of everything technical, while unmanaged means you’re on your own. This option is ideal for high-traffic stores, but it comes with a higher price tag.

The key takeaway? Your web hosting plays a crucial role in your store’s success. Consider your needs, skills, and budget to find the perfect fit and unlock a smooth, speedy online shopping experience for your customers.

Choosing the perfect plugins

Building a rocking WooCommerce store is all about adding the right tools to your belt. But with tons of plugins out there, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Here’s how to choose the perfect ones for your store:

Conversions and User Experience

Not all plugins are created equal. James Kemp, a WooCommerce expert, suggests asking yourself:

  • Will this plugin boost my average order value?
  • Help more customers checkout?
  • Improve the overall shopping experience?

Dorron Shapow, another e-commerce guru, emphasizes keeping the user in mind.  “Think about how your store is structured and how easy it is to navigate,” he says. “The most common mistake is forgetting about the customer’s journey.”

For example, if someone’s ready to buy, they shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to complete their purchase. Keep things simple and focus on a smooth checkout process.

To ensure everything is well optimized and smooth for your customers, you have to go with the best plugins in WordPress.

Must-Have Plugins to Get You Started

Here are some popular plugins recommended by Chuck Price, a whiz at e-commerce SEO:

  • Core WooCommerce Plugin: This is the foundation of your store, so it’s a no-brainer!
  • Essential Plugins for Many Stores: These include tools for managing orders (Advanced Order Export), boosting sales (Booster for WooCommerce), accepting payments (Braintree for WooCommerce Payment Gateway), creating contact forms (Contact Form 7), and tracking website data (, WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration).
  • Plugins for Specific Needs: There are plugins for almost anything you can imagine! Want to offer gift cards or product customization? There are plugins for that (PW WooCommerce Gift Cards Pro, Multistep Product Configurator for WooCommerce).

Dorron Shapow also recommends some general WordPress plugins that work great with WooCommerce:

  • SEO Plugin: Help your store get discovered online with a plugin like Rank Math.
  • Payment Gateway Integration: Make sure customers can easily pay you with a trusted payment processor.
  • Analytics and CRM: Keep track of your sales and nurture customer relationships.
  • Security and Speed: A website security plugin and caching plugin (like WP Optimize) are essential for a safe and speedy shopping experience.
  • Design and Communication: Make your store beautiful and user-friendly with a page builder (like Elementor) and a contact form plugin. You can even add chat functionality for real-time customer support.
  • Backups: Don’t forget to regularly back up your store!

James Kemp also recommends Flux Checkout for a streamlined checkout process.

Avoid Plugin Overload

Remember, every plugin adds extra code to your website. The more code a visitor’s browser needs to download, the slower your store will load. A good developer can minimize this by only loading what’s needed on each page.

General WordPress Mistakes Apply Too

Just like any WordPress site, keep your WooCommerce plugins up-to-date, fix any broken forms, and address security vulnerabilities. Plugin conflicts can also cause problems, so choose wisely.

The User Experience is King

The biggest mistake you can make is forgetting about your customers. Dorron Shapow puts it simply: “Your website should be designed for them, not you.”

By focusing on a clean design, a user-friendly experience, and SEO best practices, you’ll create a WooCommerce store that converts visitors into loyal customers.

Launch Checklist

Smoothing Out the Bumps
Before Your Store Opens

So, you’ve built your amazing WooCommerce store – congrats! But before you hit the launch button, there are a few things to consider to ensure a smooth customer experience.

Listen Up: Customer Feedback is Gold!

No matter how well you plan, there might be unexpected glitches. That’s why making it easy for customers to contact you with feedback is crucial.  Offer multiple options – email, chat, or even text message.  Their input is gold!

User Experience Detective: Uncover Hidden Issues

Want to find those hidden user experience bugs before they cause problems? Check out a free tool called Clarity by Microsoft.  It acts like a detective, showing you how far people scroll on your pages, what areas cause frustration, and which pages work best. It even uses AI to suggest improvements! 

Think of it as a completely different tool than Google Analytics, which focuses on tracking visitors and conversions. Clarity lets you see how people actually interact with your store.

Here’s a tip: Use Clarity for at least the first few months after launch to identify any lingering issues.

Pre-Launch Must-Do’s: James Kemp’s Top 5

James Kemp, a WooCommerce guru, shares his top 5 considerations before going live:

  1. Navigation Nirvana: Can customers find what they’re looking for and easily checkout? Test the flow from browsing to purchase confirmation.
  2. SEO Savvy: Make sure your store is discoverable in search engines. Use an SEO plugin like Rank Math or Toast to help you get found.
  3. Payment Powerhouse: Test your payment gateway and checkout process thoroughly. Don’t let a payment glitch be the reason customers abandon their carts!
  4. Checkout Champion: Streamline your checkout process for maximum conversions! Consider using a WooCommerce extension like Flux Checkout.
  5. Promotion Pro: Launching isn’t enough. Get your store out there! Explore paid advertising on platforms like Google and Facebook, create engaging blog content, and participate in relevant online communities.

Moral of the story!

By following these tips and actively listening to your customers, you’ll not only ensure a smooth launch, but also lay the foundation for a thriving WooCommerce empire. Remember, your online store is a living, breathing entity.

Continuously refine your product offerings based on customer feedback and A/B testing. Personalize the customer experience with targeted product recommendations and dynamic pricing through WooCommerce subscriptions or memberships. Leverage data insights from your WooCommerce analytics to optimize your marketing campaigns across multiple channels.

As your business flourishes, consider scaling your WooCommerce store with advanced plugins for SEO, email marketing automation, and abandoned cart recovery.

Embrace the journey of continuous improvement, implement a robust customer relationship management (CRM) strategy, and watch your customer base blossom into a loyal community. With dedication and these valuable tools, you’ll be celebrating not just a successful launch, but a thriving online business that empowers your dreams!

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